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Suzanne Bailey 2021 2nd Place - on motivation and encouragement

Suzanne Bailey - 2021 2nd place, This Bright Court

What made you decide to submit your work to the First Pages Prize?

A writer friend posted about the prize on social media, and I thought, “Well, let’s give this a shot.” I didn’t really expect anything to come of it, but there was that bit of hope. The last time I had entered a contest, I was in fourth grade and won a kitten.

How did you decide what you wanted to submit? 

I just have the one novel in progress, and those first pages were ready to go.

And then, what was it like to be one of the final winners? 

I really couldn’t believe it. I still can’t. Clydette and Lizzie were so gracious and lovely. My father had just passed away, and winning the second prize was something so sweet and encouraging during a very difficult time.

What changed for you as a result of being a final winner?

It gave me the motivation to keep working on my novel this past year. I think without that encouragement, this past year would have been a wash for me as far as writing goes.

What was your experience with the editorial guidance that came with the prize—how was the process and what impact did it have on your work?

Lizzie Harwood did a very detailed and thoughtful developmental edit of my submission, which was the first 100 pages of my novel-in-progress. Her feedback was invaluable. She pointed out anything, big or little, that pulled her out of the story or tripped her up as she read. She was so wise about seeing where I raised the reader’s expectations, and then where I either met those expectations or failed to meet them. I could not get over how much work she put into the edit. 

Similarly, what impact did the agent consultation have? What did you learn from it?

I learned that the ability to market my writing well is a very distinct skill from being able to write well. I also learned that my introversion, which I consider a strength, can work against me when I’m needing to promote my writing. It does not come naturally, which made me all the more grateful to have the First Pages Prize team in my corner.

What has surprised you most about being part of this prize?

Having complete strangers enjoy my words has been so encouraging. I’m surprised at how motivational it has been to hear “Hey, this is good” from people who only know me from my writing.

What advice or tips might you have for people thinking of submitting to the FIRST PAGES PRIZE this year?

I would encourage them to go for it. My experience was wholly positive. Hearing the other prize winners read their submissions was one of my favorite things. It was an honor to be in that group.

Twitter: @this_suzanne

First Pages Prize