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Stephanie Mullings 2021 5th Place - on renewing faith in writing, on recommitting to a project

Stephanie Mullings 2021 5th Place, Walk Good 

What made you decide to submit your work to the First Pages Prize? 

I first heard of the First Pages Prize through a newsletter sent out by the university I attend. After reading about it, I thought it was such a fantastic opportunity for writers who are committing to longer projects. The support, from potential consultations with literary agents, development edits, in addition to cash prizes, seemed almost too good to be true! I had only recently decided to pursue my novel idea and truthfully had some reservations about doing so. I thought submitting to the First Pages Prize would be a great way to encourage my commitment to my project. 

What was it like to be one of the final winners?

It was such a fantastic feeling. Sometimes I still can't believe it! 

What changed for you as a result of being a final winners? 

I am so excited to continue pushing forward. I have been writing, writing, and writing! 

What was your experience with the editorial guidance that came with the prize? 

The developmental edits made me ask questions about my work that I had never considered. 

What advice or tips might you have for people thinking of submitting to the First Pages Prize? 

Just do it! 

First Pages Prize